stop pointing out your mistakes

Previously Published on January 26, 2022 at 10:00AM:

I want to take out some time this week to beat into your mushy pretty little heads, that you should honestly stop pointing out your mistakes...

This sounds like a ton of bullshit coming out of my mouth right now but just imagine this I put out a YouTube video and in the promotion I say:

“lol Gosh remember that time when I just totally mispronounced job but that one part? Watch my video today!”

or when someone comments hey I really liked your video. I laughed and I learned something today. Thank you for sharing this and in response, I say “oh no, it was awful. LOL LOL. I totally said um, too many times. I'm terrible.”

Or even at work, when you make a mistake you constantly say how stupid you are or that you messed up…again. 🥲


How does that make you feel?

I mean, if it was your response to me, I would look at you funny, or at least try to keep my face as neutral as humanly possible (but let's face it, one of my greatest traits is the art of face crunching I am exceptionally good at that).

You might think that pointing out your flaws or mistakes, saves yourself from disgrace lets you fall on the sword before somebody pushes you on to it or makes you seem more reliable and honest when in reality it's a form of self deprecation and in this house self deprecation is neither funny nor noble. So you should stop that a joke from time to time and the ability to laugh at oneself is fine. That's great even but completely different from the constant action of making yourself seem unintelligent, lazy or irresponsible. In front of friends or peers. It understandable that you admit fault when something is your fault and you fix it. But if we're being honest, as long as you fix the mistake, most times people don't notice the things you do because they're caught up noticing the actions of themselves or maybe even not paying attention. The act of choosing to point out your flaws and mistakes every single time and berating yourself about it ensures 100% of the time your errors will get noticed. The more attention you draw to your errors, the more people will notice. The more people notice the more conditioned you make them to think that you're only giving a half assed lazy effort all of the time because of your endless errors.

Stop doing that!

You are so much better than that. Stop giving people rocks to throw at you especially about those teeny tiny itty bitty little mistakes that you forget about until 10 years later. When you see in a video somebody else doing it and then you just get triggered with secondhand embarrassment your friends and peers won't remember that and everyone messes up now and again, please stop making a big drama out of it. Fix it. You can take a deep breath. You're human. Move forward. You got this. You deserve to be happy. So choose that loving kindness for yourself.


Happy new year🎆


let’s talk about burnout…